What’s inside a writer’s notebook? →

Peek into the notebooks of Paul Theroux, Susie Boyt, and Amit Chaudhuri, complete with photos of the scribblings themselves :

The mystique of a writer’s notebook seems still to be with us in this digital age. Perhaps it’s because a handwritten original is unhackable – other than by traditional means, such as burglary. But it’s no doubt a matter too of the way notebooks seem to offer access to hidden origins, and to the creative processes by which works we value come into being.

From The Guardian.

The Bibliomaniac of Ridgewood →

Here’s a great article for writers and book lovers, with some fantastic photos by Joe Carrotta of a guy who lives in a building filled with 25,000 books:

Mr. Kostelanetz renovated the building to accommodate his two loves: books and swimming. He installed countless bookshelves and an infinity pool that allows him to swim naked after midnight before he goes to bed. This helps him stay in shape for summers spent on Rockaway Beach, where he is friendly with the lifeguards who work at Beach 60th Street.

From The New York Times.